Kenny, probably a Labrador x Collie was originally found as a stray by a young boy who took him home. As this young lad's family were unable to offer Kenny a full-time home, he was moved by the Dog Warden to the pound to serve his required 7 days.
In the Dog Warden's van
And in the Pound
At the end of the week Kenny moved into foster care with Lindsey and her family, where he had a fantastic time playing with Lindsey's young dog Teddy, and they became firm friends.
Kenny and Teddy
Following assessment and some training, Kenny was offered a wonderful home and this is what his new Mum had to say about him:
"We've also found out that he's a splosher - bellyflopper - into the water - just launches himself into it without a care in the world. He barked at the hoover today but soon settled down and he certainly doesn't like the lawn rake which he would not stop barking at!
Did you notice that he barks and then shakes his head as if to say what's that funny noise? Had to laugh, he looked slightly puzzled - where's that scary dog - Oh, it's me!. I think he is settling in, especially last night when he was chucking the frisbee around the living room and then went off for a mad 3 circuits round the garden.
Kenny certainly looks very handsome and very happy!:
We wish Kenny and his new family a very long and happy life together!